
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Speech on Smoking -- Papers

Speech on Smoking Good afternoon ladies and Gentlemen I am here today to illustrate the points against criminalize skunk in humans places. I will be addressing the following issues 1. Whether passive heater has a significant impact on our health 2. The Economic doer 3. The unenforceability of the act 4. How this proposition will affect society Turning to the scratch line issue its impact on our health. The strongest argument in favour of banning smoking in public places is that it is deadly to people who work in that environment and those who dont smoke however the reality is that we still have no conclusive evidence to suggest that passive smoking is as harmful as to health as it is made to be. The British Medical journal on of the most influential and well respected medical journals has produce an explosive new study published in May 2003 that ill questions the impact of environmental tobacco smoke on our health and concludes that the co nnexion between environmental tobacco smoke and coronary heart illness may be considerably weaker than generally first believed. One of the hardly a(prenominal) scientists who has managed to publicize attempts to measure significant exposure to environmental tobacco is prof Robert Nilsson. He quoted findings that showed that non-smokers who consistently perch second hand smoke argon smoking the equivalent of one cigarette a week to twain cigarettes a year. What is this in comparison to all the car fumes that we breathe? I ask you even if there is a weak plug into between environmental smoke and heart disease the answer is non take draconian measures and snatch away smokers right to e... ...eople indefinitely without charge, which I would like to remind you is a blatant contravention of the UN declaration of kind-hearted Rights. Is this the route we want society to take a turn in, do we want this nation to become a policed state? Conclusion In conclusion I would like to say that banning smoking in public places is not only a violation of our human rights alone there is also no inclusive evidence to suggest that smoking harms health. The only thing we will be harming if we this proposition is put into edict will be our economic heath and our integral right to license. An kind solution would be to provide better ventilation in public places and more smoke free areas in pubs and clubs. Surely millions did not fork over their life in 2 world wars, to have this great nations freedom robbed so disgustingly

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