
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Cultural Rape in Heart of Darkness and The Jewel in the Crown :: comparison compare contrast essays

ethnic Rape in Heart of Darkness and The Jewel in the pourboire The comparison of Heart of Darkness and The Jewel in the Cr bear whitethorn lead to some interesting questions. The authors of these two great works ready found their way into the literary cannon for well-founded reasons. Both texts seem to continue to bring the reader to ask questions of both the text and the readers own moral values. One of these value based questions deals with racism. It whitethorn well be that both of these great works may be examples of racism creation subjected upon the people of two separate continents. Both of these situations may be compared to non the rape of a woman, but the rape of a people and their ideologies. As Paul Scott wrote The Jewel in the Crown his story seems to tell a tale of an English woman in India who had been raped. On the surface of bod this is the story meant for the reader to find. However, underlying the issue of rape there may be a nonher story. Scott write s, This is the story of a rape, of the events that led up to it and followed it and of the home in which it happened. There are the action, the people, and the place (Scott 3). This single statement may have more truth within it about the authors intent in his story. When Scott writes that with his story is that of a rape we must ask of whom? The written citation that is raped is Daphne Manners. Her original home is Britain. The same country that has colonized India becomes an Copernican issue in the story. It is important to see that Scott describes the fact that, Mr. Gandhi began preaching lawlessness in India at the same time he introduces the rape home (Scott 3). Scott is hinting to the reader his real intention behind his story. Gandhis act of sedation was 1 wrapped in hopes of attaining equality and freedom from Britain for his people. Britain had control of his land and its people. Scott is not the only author aware of racial inequality in Britains small town of fo reign continents. Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness is also a complaint of racial inequality concerning Britains colonization. His is a complaint of the control of certain parts of Africa.

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