Friday, April 17, 2020
Example of Writing Report Essays
Example of Writing Report EssaysYou can find many examples of writing report essays online. But, you have to be careful when choosing which example will be effective for your purpose. After all, you may want to make the main points of your report the subject of your essay, but you still want it to reflect your personality and sense of style.For this reason, you must spend some time learning about the purpose of writing a report and choose an appropriate example that will suit your purpose. First, decide what the subject of your report will be. It may be about an inspirational book or article, something that will enhance your knowledge about a particular subject or a single statement on your subject. Whatever your purpose, you will find a lot of examples of writing report essays.Another important thing you should do before choosing an example is to figure out what kind of paper you want to write. A sample of writing report essays with an academic nature will be very different from one that is made with a creative aspect in mind. Some examples of writing report essays for entertainment purposes may also be very different from those examples for business or academic purposes.When you have an idea of the type of essay you want to write, the next important part is to look for a good example. Before you can choose an example of writing report essays, you need to find one that will fulfill your needs.If you are not certain about your needs, you may use the examples of writing report essays that you found elsewhere to make a decision. Before you start your search, take a look at some examples of writing report essays online to get an idea of how your example should be presented. Check if your example has a straightforward structure and to what point it is to be covered.Next, you should ask yourself a very important question. This question may sound strange but it is really important. If you do not have a clear idea of what your essay is about, it will be very difficult to express it in a clear and concise manner.The most important question you should ask yourself is what is the best way to present it? In other words, how does the idea fit into your topic of discussion? This means that it is important to know the overall tone of your essay.Finally, you should make sure that your essay is simple and clear. Too many ideas crammed in your head will not make your essay interesting. A good writer knows that there is always room for improvement.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Violence Against Women Act Essay Example For Students
Violence Against Women Act Essay The Violence Against Women Act creates a right to be free from crimes ofviolence that are gender motivated. It also gives a private civil right ofaction to the victims of these crimes. The Senate report attached to the actstates that Gender based crimes and fear of gender based crimesreducesemployment opportunities and consumer spending affecting interstatecommerce. Sara Benenson has been abused by her husband, Andrew Benenson, since 1978. Because of this abuse, she sued her husband under various tort claims andviolations under the Violence Against Women Act. Now Mr. Benenson isprotesting the constitutionality of this act claiming that Congress has noright to pass a law that legislates for the common welfare. However, Congress has a clear Constitutional right to regulate interstatecommerce. This act is based solely on interstate commerce and is thereforeConstitutional. Because of abuse, Sara Benenson was afraid to get a jobbecause it would anger her husband. She was afraid to go back to school andshe was afraid to go shopping or spend any money on her own. All three ofthese things clearly interfere and affect interstate commerce. Women likeMrs. Benenson are the reason the act was passed. We will write a custom essay on Violence Against Women Act specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There has been a long history of judgements in favor of Congresss power tolegislate using the commerce clause as a justification. For the past fiftyyears, Congresss right to interpret the commerce clause has beenunchallenged by the Court with few exceptions. There is no rational reasonfor this court to go against the powerful precedents set by the Supreme courtto allow Congress to use the Commerce clause. In the case of Katzenbach v. McClung, the Court upheld an act of Congresswhich was based on the commerce clause, that prohibited segregation. McClung,the owner of a barbeque that would not allow blacks to eat inside therestaurant, claimed that his business was completely intrastate. He statedthat his business had little or no out of state business and was thereforenot subject to the act passed by Congress because it could not legislateintrastate commerce. The Court however, decided that because the restaurantreceived some of its food from out of state that it was involved ininterstate commerce. The same logic should be applied in this case. Even though Sara Benensonsinability to work might not seem to affect interstate commerce, it will insome way as with McClung, thus making the act constitutional. The SupremeCourt had decided that any connection with interstate commerce,as long as ithas a rational basis, makes it possible for Congress to legislate it. In the United States v. Lopez decision, The Supreme Court struck down the GunFree School Zones Act. Its reasoning was that Congress had overstepped itspower to legislate interstate commerce. The Court decided that this act wasnot sufficiently grounded in interstate commerce for Congress to be allowedto pass it. The circumstances in this case are entirely different than in the case ofSara Benenson. For one thing, the Gun Free School Zones Act was not nearly aswell based in the commerce clause as is our case. The Gun act said thatviolence in schools kept student from learning and therefore limited theirfuture earning power. It also said that violence affected national insurancecompanies. These connections are tenuous at best and generally too long termto be considered. However, in the case of Mrs. Benenson, her inability towork and spend directly and immediately affected interstate commerce. Therefore, the Lopez decision should not have any part in the decision ofthis case. .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f , .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .postImageUrl , .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f , .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f:hover , .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f:visited , .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f:active { border:0!important; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f:active , .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u56e8b94a0f16dec2e6c2ea2ee84abe1f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Anthropologie Culturelle EssayThe Supreme Court, in McCulloch v. Maryland, gave Congress the right to makelaws that are out of their strict Constitutional powers so as to be able tofulfill one of their Constitutional duties. In this case, the Court allowedthe federal government to create a bank. There is no Constitutional right todo this and Maryland challenged the creation of this bank. The high courtruled that in order for Congress to be able to accomplish its duties. The same logic should be applied here. The Violence Against Women Act is anexample of Congress overstepping its direct Constitutional rights so it canbetter regulate and facilitate interstate commerce. In order for Congress tolegislate interstate commerce fairly, it must allow people to be able to workand spend as they should be able to. If a woman is afraid of being abused ifshe gets a job or spends money, it affects interstate commerce. Thus TheViolence Against Women Act is Constitutionally based and necessary forinterstate commerce. Violence against women is a terrible crime. It destroys womens self esteem,tears apart families, and destroys lives. Many times, it will lead to murderor other terrible crimes. What the Violence Against Women Act is trying to dois give women a weapon to protect themselves from violent spouses. Withoutthis act, many women would be left incapable of getting any form of financialredress for the years of suffering and abuse they went through. It is wrong to deny women a tool to rebuild theyre lives after an abusiverelationship. The years of abuse they went through makes it hard if notimpossible for them to get a job or work in an office. These women are afraidfor the rest of their lives that if they make a mistake or displease the menaround them, they will be beaten. This act allows women to get some means ofgetting money to live on while they rebuild their lives. It allows them toseek professional help if necessary. Without this act, women would be forcedon welfare or worse. When this h appens, it benefits no one. The Violence Against Women Act has a strong Constitutional basis in thecommerce clause, despite what Andrew Benenson says. The Supreme Court hasallowed many acts such as this to stand for the past fifty years. All theprecedents of cases with similar circumstances are to allow the act tostand. Also, we cannot forget the human aspect of this case. This act is atool for women to rebuild their shattered lives after an abusiverelationship. To declare his act unconstitutional would be both legally andmorally wrong.Words/ Pages : 971 / 24
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Profile Essay Topics Ideas - Gathering Your Essay Topics Ideas
Profile Essay Topics Ideas - Gathering Your Essay Topics IdeasYou could sit down and take notes on a book, but what if you can compile some profile essay topics ideas into one cohesive idea that's all in one place? That way, you'll have something to start with.It would be so convenient if there was just one place where we could get all of the information we need without having to rummage through hundreds of pages of information or dig into a resource box. We just have to remember, your essay is not about the textbook, it's about getting your point across and writing it like you speak.You have to think about your resource box as a means to make your writing stand out in a crowd. You're going to want to use the resource box to show the reader about your personal style and how they would benefit from reading what you have to say. Of course, this will vary depending on the type of writer you are.If you like writing in a formal, to-the-point manner, you might make use of more information. Don't be afraid to mention how you found this term, or how you found this idea, or why this topic is important. The essay is not meant to tell the reader something they already know, it's meant to explain that thing to them.On the other hand, if you prefer to tell a story in your essays, you might make use of less information and a little more emotion. Have a little fun with the details and make sure to add some vivid descriptions and images. If you have the information you need, you can simplify it into a few sentences.Hopefully, you don't have to reach to your resource box for every idea you have. Some essay topics are more complex than others, so your essay may require a bit more organization. When you have all of your pieces assembled in your resource box, then you can build up on those rather than trying to come up with your own ideas.It's really easy to write about yourself and when you do, there's a better chance of making it stick. You might even find that the things you're writing about in your profiles will fit in with other examples of profile essays you've seen on the internet. By combining your writing style with an essay written by someone else, you can have your profile essay topics ideas organically come together.Don't be afraid to ask friends or family for ideas, they could be really helpful when you are trying to build up your profile essay topics ideas. As long as you get your facts right and make sure that your ideas are relevant to your topic, you'll be well on your way to building a great essay. Your essay will also help you hone your writing skills and this will help you write a great grade, so make sure you put some time into your essays and research before you write.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
How to Create Discussions of Sex and Science For Your Dissertation
How to Create Discussions of Sex and Science For Your DissertationWhile there are many types of controversial research paper topics for English writing, there are just as many types of themes that are neither controversial nor not controversial. Nevertheless, all of these are equally important because a good writer should be able to write about any topic, in any way that makes sense to them. This is something that the best writers do - they can be politically incorrect and still be respected and liked by their peers, while still being able to write about anything in the world.There are many different ways to write about topics that are not politically correct, but for the most part these are types of controversial research paper topics for English that would be easily recognized by their recipients. This is one of the reasons why you should never try to force your opinion down someone else's throat, because you will be drowned out by all the other opinions.For instance, there are con troversial research paper topics for English that have to do with sex. There are those that are so blatantly and unapologetically political, that anyone in their right mind would say that they should not be written about in any sort of public forum. However, this is exactly what they are and they have been written about for years in a variety of forums, including forums in the scientific community. Whether you agree or disagree with the content, there is little doubt that it is up for discussion and debate among scientists.Of course, there are those that are controversial in that they are supposed to be an argument between two people and the two debate over a topic. If you are one of these people, then you may disagree with some of the content in the topic you are debating. However, there is no controversy with the substance of the topic, because it has been voted on and the science community has spoken on it.So, we have established that there are definitely many different types of controversial research paper topics for English that do not fall into the political realm, but are therefore still not appropriate for academic settings. In fact, there are those that cannot be debated. These topics are of an ethical nature and should only be used for research purposes.There are many different types of ethical research papers, and among these are those that deal with the idea of euthanasia and whether or not it is a bad thing. This is a completely open-ended topic that can't be debated, so those in academia use topics such as these to bring it out in the subjects of many of their experiments. Of course, this will rarely be discussed in open court, but those involved in the topic know that it is going to be brought up, so they create the problem for themselves.The same thing can be said for incest. There are many who feel that incest is a topic that should be avoided entirely in all situations, and yet, these are the topics that those in academia use to make people u ncomfortable with the subject of incest. It is their way of making sure that there is enough controversy in the topic to make it uncomfortable, because it is not something that can be discussed in a courtroom.So, while many topics may be controversial, they should always be used with caution and only when needed, as other types of controversial research paper topics for English are what they are. They should be used with great caution and in a safe environment, but there is no need to be afraid of discussing them, because they are the only thing that brings the conversation about sex and science to the surface in the public arena.
Friday, April 10, 2020
How to Study For Your Essay Topics or ACT Essay
How to Study For Your Essay Topics or ACT EssayIf you want to study for your Texas essay topics or any of the ACT essays you will be taking, you may need a little help from some online resources. There are sites online that you can use to help you as you work on your own.One of the best ways to prepare for your Texas essay topics is to research the topic. That is, you can use your actual SAT or ACT test to study so that you know what kind of essay you are going to write. By knowing the proper word usage and format you can avoid writing on topics that have already been covered in other sections of the test.The easiest way to find out what is on the ACT or SAT test is to take the exam. Find a site that can help you with these topics, but make sure that it is free of charge. In most cases, the questions are not covered in the resource.Another good way to find out what the Texas essay topics are is to use a professional. While there are several great high school teachers around the count ry, there are also many freelance teachers who have used college essay review to help them write better college essays. One of the biggest benefits of a freelance teacher is that they are typically willing to help students who need them, so there is no question that they can help you out. The only downside is that they are often required to charge by the hour, so they may not always be able to help.To find out which part of the essay you are taking on, take a look at the sections that are being offered on the test. They will likely be divided into categories such as reason, historical figures, science, facts, beliefs, analysis, and argument. You may have to do some research on your own to figure out what the 'old' categories are, but then, you maybe able to understand your answers better.If you are going to go this route, remember that it is possible that there is a big difference between the sections of the exam for each section of the ACT. If you take a look at the beginning of th e material that you will have to review, you may notice that it has fewer words, but there is more information included in the text.When it comes to studying for your Texas essay topics, there are plenty of ways to help you succeed. Whether you need help getting through your chapters or a class that has short tests that require a little extra attention, there are ways to get what you need. However, in order to do this you must work at it.
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